Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)  130.1.2+g48f3ef6+chromium-130.0.6723.44
cef_crash_util.h File Reference
#include "include/cef_base.h"


bool CefCrashReportingEnabled ()
 Crash reporting is configured using an INI-style config file named "crash_reporter.cfg". More...
void CefSetCrashKeyValue (const CefString &key, const CefString &value)
 Sets or clears a specific key-value pair from the crash metadata. More...

Function Documentation

◆ CefCrashReportingEnabled()

bool CefCrashReportingEnabled ( )

Crash reporting is configured using an INI-style config file named "crash_reporter.cfg".

On Windows and Linux this file must be placed next to the main application executable. On macOS this file must be placed in the top-level app bundle Resources directory (e.g. "<appname>.app/Contents/Resources"). File contents are as follows:

 # Comments start with a hash character and must be on their own line.

 ProductName=<Value of the "prod" crash key; defaults to "cef">
 ProductVersion=<Value of the "ver" crash key; defaults to the CEF version>
 AppName=<Windows only; App-specific folder name component for storing crash
          information; default to "CEF">
 ExternalHandler=<Windows only; Name of the external handler exe to use
                  instead of re-launching the main exe; default to empty>
 BrowserCrashForwardingEnabled=<macOS only; True if browser process crashes
                                should be forwarded to the system crash
                                reporter; default to false>
 ServerURL=<crash server URL; default to empty>
 RateLimitEnabled=<True if uploads should be rate limited; default to true>
 MaxUploadsPerDay=<Max uploads per 24 hours, used if rate limit is enabled;
                   default to 5>
 MaxDatabaseSizeInMb=<Total crash report disk usage greater than this value
                      will cause older reports to be deleted; default to 20>
 MaxDatabaseAgeInDays=<Crash reports older than this value will be deleted;
                       default to 5>


Config section:

If "ProductName" and/or "ProductVersion" are set then the specified values will be included in the crash dump metadata. On macOS if these values are set to empty then they will be retrieved from the Info.plist file using the "CFBundleName" and "CFBundleShortVersionString" keys respectively.

If "AppName" is set on Windows then crash report information (metrics, database and dumps) will be stored locally on disk under the "C:\Users\[CurrentUser]\AppData\Local\[AppName]\User Data" folder. On other platforms the cef_settings_t.root_cache_path value will be used.

If "ExternalHandler" is set on Windows then the specified exe will be launched as the crashpad-handler instead of re-launching the main process exe. The value can be an absolute path or a path relative to the main exe directory. On Linux the cef_settings_t.browser_subprocess_path value will be used. On macOS the existing subprocess app bundle will be used.

If "BrowserCrashForwardingEnabled" is set to true on macOS then browser process crashes will be forwarded to the system crash reporter. This results in the crash UI dialog being displayed to the user and crash reports being logged under "~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports". Forwarding of crash reports from non-browser processes and Debug builds is always disabled.

If "ServerURL" is set then crashes will be uploaded as a multi-part POST request to the specified URL. Otherwise, reports will only be stored locally on disk.

If "RateLimitEnabled" is set to true then crash report uploads will be rate limited as follows:

  1. If "MaxUploadsPerDay" is set to a positive value then at most the specified number of crashes will be uploaded in each 24 hour period.
  2. If crash upload fails due to a network or server error then an incremental backoff delay up to a maximum of 24 hours will be applied for retries.
  3. If a backoff delay is applied and "MaxUploadsPerDay" is > 1 then the "MaxUploadsPerDay" value will be reduced to 1 until the client is restarted. This helps to avoid an upload flood when the network or server error is resolved. Rate limiting is not supported on Linux.

If "MaxDatabaseSizeInMb" is set to a positive value then crash report storage on disk will be limited to that size in megabytes. For example, on Windows each dump is about 600KB so a "MaxDatabaseSizeInMb" value of 20 equates to about 34 crash reports stored on disk. Not supported on Linux.

If "MaxDatabaseAgeInDays" is set to a positive value then crash reports older than the specified age in days will be deleted. Not supported on Linux.

CrashKeys section:

A maximum of 26 crash keys of each size can be specified for use by the application. Crash key values will be truncated based on the specified size (small = 64 bytes, medium = 256 bytes, large = 1024 bytes). The value of crash keys can be set from any thread or process using the CefSetCrashKeyValue function. These key/value pairs will be sent to the crash server along with the crash dump file.

◆ CefSetCrashKeyValue()

void CefSetCrashKeyValue ( const CefString key,
const CefString value 

Sets or clears a specific key-value pair from the crash metadata.