Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
Supported content setting types.
Some types are platform-specific or only supported with the Chrome runtime. Should be kept in sync with Chromium's ContentSettingsType type.
Enumerator | |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_COOKIES | provided context. However, it may be overridden by other settings. This enum should NOT be read directly to determine whether cookies are enabled; the client should instead rely on the CookieSettings API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_POPUPS | This setting governs both popups and unwanted redirects like tab-unders and framebusting. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_MIDI_SYSEX | Advanced device-specific functions on MIDI devices. MIDI-SysEx communications can be used for changing the MIDI device's persistent state such as firmware. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_ADS_DATA | Website setting which stores metadata for the subresource filter to aid in decisions for whether or not to show the UI. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_MIDI | MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. It is a standard that allows electronic musical instruments, computers, and other devices to communicate with each other. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_PASSWORD_PROTECTION | This content setting type is for caching password protection service's verdicts of each origin. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_MEDIA_ENGAGEMENT | Website setting which stores engagement data for media related to a specific origin. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_SOUND | Content setting which stores whether or not the site can play audible sound. This will not block playback but instead the user will not hear it. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_CLIENT_HINTS | Website setting which stores the list of client hints that the origin requested the browser to remember. The browser is expected to send all client hints in the HTTP request headers for every resource requested from that origin. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_SENSORS | Generic Sensor API covering ambient-light-sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer are all mapped to a single content_settings_type. Setting for the Generic Sensor API covering ambient-light-sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. These are all mapped to a single ContentSettingsType. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_EVENTS | Content setting which stores whether or not the user has granted the site permission to respond to accessibility events, which can be used to provide a custom accessibility experience. Requires explicit user consent because some users may not want sites to know they're using assistive technology. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_PAYMENT_HANDLER | Used to store whether to allow a website to install a payment handler. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_USB_GUARD | Content setting which stores whether to allow sites to ask for permission to access USB devices. If this is allowed specific device permissions are stored under USB_CHOOSER_DATA. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_BACKGROUND_FETCH | Nothing is stored in this setting at present. Please refer to BackgroundFetchPermissionContext for details on how this permission is ascertained. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_INTENT_PICKER_DISPLAY | Website setting which stores the amount of times the user has dismissed intent picker UI without explicitly choosing an option. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_IDLE_DETECTION | Used to store whether to allow a website to detect user active/idle state. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_SERIAL_GUARD | Content settings for access to serial ports. The "guard" content setting stores whether to allow sites to ask for permission to access a port. The permissions granted to access particular ports are stored in the "chooser data" website setting. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_PERIODIC_BACKGROUND_SYNC | Nothing is stored in this setting at present. Please refer to PeriodicBackgroundSyncPermissionContext for details on how this permission is ascertained. This content setting is not registered because it does not require access to any existing providers. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_BLUETOOTH_SCANNING | Content setting which stores whether to allow sites to ask for permission to do Bluetooth scanning. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_HID_GUARD | Content settings for access to HID devices. The "guard" content setting stores whether to allow sites to ask for permission to access a device. The permissions granted to access particular devices are stored in the "chooser data" website setting. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_WAKE_LOCK_SCREEN | Wake Lock API, which has two lock types: screen and system locks. Currently, screen locks do not need any additional permission, and system locks are always denied while the right UI is worked out. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_LEGACY_COOKIE_ACCESS | Legacy SameSite cookie behavior. This disables SameSite=Lax-by-default, SameSite=None requires Secure, and Schemeful Same-Site, forcing the legacy behavior wherein 1) cookies that don't specify SameSite are treated as SameSite=None, 2) SameSite=None cookies are not required to be Secure, and 3) schemeful same-site is not active. This will also be used to revert to legacy behavior when future changes in cookie handling are introduced. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE_GUARD | Content settings which stores whether to allow sites to ask for permission to save changes to an original file selected by the user through the File System Access API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_NFC | Used to store whether to allow a website to exchange data with NFC devices. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_DATA | Website setting to store permissions granted to access particular Bluetooth devices. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_CLIPBOARD_READ_WRITE | Full access to the system clipboard (sanitized read without user gesture, and unsanitized read and write with user gesture). |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_CLIPBOARD_SANITIZED_WRITE | This is special-cased in the permissions layer to always allow, and as such doesn't have associated prefs data. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_SAFE_BROWSING_URL_CHECK_DATA | This content setting type is for caching safe browsing real time url check's verdicts of each origin. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_VR | Used to store whether a site is allowed to request AR or VR sessions with the WebXr Device API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM_READ_GUARD | Content setting which stores whether to allow site to open and read files and directories selected through the File System Access API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_STORAGE_ACCESS | Access to first party storage in a third-party context. Exceptions are scoped to the combination of requesting/top-level origin, and are managed through the Storage Access API. For the time being, this content setting exists in parallel to third-party cookie rules stored in COOKIES. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_CAMERA_PAN_TILT_ZOOM | Content setting which stores whether to allow a site to control camera movements. It does not give access to camera. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_WINDOW_MANAGEMENT | Content setting for Screen Enumeration and Screen Detail functionality. Permits access to detailed multi-screen information, like size and position. Permits placing fullscreen and windowed content on specific screens. See also: |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_INSECURE_PRIVATE_NETWORK | Stores whether to allow insecure websites to make private network requests. See also: Set through enterprise policies only. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_LOCAL_FONTS | Content setting which stores whether or not a site can access low-level locally installed font data using the Local Fonts Access API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_PERMISSION_AUTOREVOCATION_DATA | Stores per-origin state for permission auto-revocation (for all permission types). |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM_LAST_PICKED_DIRECTORY | Stores per-origin state of the most recently selected directory for the use by the File System Access API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_DISPLAY_CAPTURE | Controls access to the getDisplayMedia API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM_ACCESS_CHOOSER_DATA | Website setting to store permissions metadata granted to paths on the local file system via the File System Access API. |FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE_GUARD| is the corresponding "guard" setting. The stored data represents valid permission only if |FILE_SYSTEM_ACCESS_EXTENDED_PERMISSION| is enabled via user opt-in. Otherwise, they represent "recently granted but revoked permission", which are used to restore the permission. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FEDERATED_IDENTITY_SHARING | Stores a grant that allows a relying party to send a request for identity information to specified identity providers, potentially through any anti-tracking measures that would otherwise prevent it. This setting is associated with the relying party's origin. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_JAVASCRIPT_JIT | Whether to use the v8 optimized JIT for running JavaScript on the page. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_HTTP_ALLOWED | Content setting which stores user decisions to allow loading a site over HTTP. Entries are added by hostname when a user bypasses the HTTPS-First Mode interstitial warning when a site does not support HTTPS. Allowed hosts are exact hostname matches – subdomains of a host on the allowlist must be separately allowlisted. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FORMFILL_METADATA | Stores metadata related to form fill, such as e.g. whether user data was autofilled on a specific website. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_DEPRECATED_FEDERATED_IDENTITY_ACTIVE_SESSION | Setting to indicate that there is an active federated sign-in session between a specified relying party and a specified identity provider for a specified account. When this is present it allows access to session management capabilities between the sites. This setting is associated with the relying party's origin. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_AUTO_DARK_WEB_CONTENT | Setting to indicate whether Chrome should automatically apply darkening to web content. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_REQUEST_DESKTOP_SITE | Setting to indicate whether Chrome should request the desktop view of a site instead of the mobile one. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FEDERATED_IDENTITY_API | Setting to indicate whether browser should allow signing into a website via the browser FedCM API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_INTERACTIONS | Stores notification interactions per origin for the past 90 days. Interactions per origin are pre-aggregated over seven-day windows: A notification interaction or display is assigned to the last Monday midnight in local time. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_REDUCED_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE | Website setting which stores the last reduced accept language negotiated for a given origin, to be used on future visits to the origin. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_PERMISSION_REVIEW | Website setting which is used for NotificationPermissionReviewService to store origin blocklist from review notification permissions feature. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_PRIVATE_NETWORK_GUARD | Website setting to store permissions granted to access particular devices in private network. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FEDERATED_IDENTITY_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_SIGNIN_STATUS | Website setting which stores whether the browser has observed the user signing into an identity-provider based on observing the IdP-SignIn-Status HTTP header. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_REVOKED_UNUSED_SITE_PERMISSIONS | Website setting which is used for UnusedSitePermissionsService to store revoked permissions of unused sites from unused site permissions feature. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_TOP_LEVEL_STORAGE_ACCESS | Similar to STORAGE_ACCESS, but applicable at the page-level rather than being specific to a frame. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FEDERATED_IDENTITY_AUTO_REAUTHN_PERMISSION | Setting to indicate whether user has opted in to allowing auto re-authn via the FedCM API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FEDERATED_IDENTITY_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_REGISTRATION | Website setting which stores whether the user has explicitly registered a website as an identity-provider. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_ANTI_ABUSE | Content setting which is used to indicate whether anti-abuse functionality should be enabled. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY_STORAGE_PARTITIONING | Content setting used to indicate whether third-party storage partitioning should be enabled. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_HTTPS_ENFORCED | Used to indicate whether HTTPS-First Mode is enabled on the hostname. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_ALL_SCREEN_CAPTURE | Setting for enabling the Spec link: |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_COOKIE_CONTROLS_METADATA | Stores per origin metadata for cookie controls. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_TPCD_HEURISTICS_GRANTS | Content Setting for temporary 3PC accesses granted by user behavior heuristics. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_TPCD_METADATA_GRANTS | Content Setting for 3PC accesses granted by metadata delivered via the component updater service. This type will only be used when |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_TPCD_TRIAL | Content Setting for 3PC accesses granted via 3PC deprecation trial. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_TOP_LEVEL_TPCD_TRIAL | Content Setting for 3PC accesses granted via top-level 3PC deprecation trial. Similar to TPCD_TRIAL, but applicable at the page-level for the lifetime of the page that served the token, rather than being specific to a requesting-origin/top-level-site combination and persistent. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TOP_LEVEL_TPCD_ORIGIN_TRIAL | Content Setting for a first-party origin trial that allows websites to enable third-party cookie deprecation. ALLOW (default): no effect (e.g. third-party cookies allowed, if not blocked otherwise). BLOCK: third-party cookies blocked, but 3PCD mitigations enabled. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_AUTO_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE | Content setting used to indicate whether entering picture-in-picture automatically should be enabled. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM_ACCESS_EXTENDED_PERMISSION | Whether user has opted into keeping file/directory permissions persistent between visits for a given origin. When enabled, permission metadata stored under |FILE_SYSTEM_ACCESS_CHOOSER_DATA| can auto-grant incoming permission request. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM_ACCESS_RESTORE_PERMISSION | Whether the FSA Persistent Permissions restore prompt is eligible to be shown to the user, for a given origin. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_CAPTURED_SURFACE_CONTROL | Whether an application capturing another tab, may scroll and zoom the captured tab. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_SMART_CARD_GUARD | Content setting for access to smart card readers. The "guard" content setting stores whether to allow sites to access the Smart Card API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_WEB_PRINTING | Content settings for access to printers for the Web Printing API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_AUTOMATIC_FULLSCREEN | Content setting used to indicate whether entering HTML Fullscreen automatically (i.e. without transient activation) should be enabled. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_SUB_APP_INSTALLATION_PROMPTS | Content settings used to indicate that a web app is allowed to prompt the user for the installation of sub apps. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_SPEAKER_SELECTION | Whether an application can enumerate audio output device. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_DIRECT_SOCKETS | Content settings for access to the Direct Sockets API. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_KEYBOARD_LOCK | Keyboard Lock API allows a site to capture keyboard inputs that would otherwise be handled by the OS or the browser. |
CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_POINTER_LOCK | Pointer Lock API allows a site to hide the cursor and have exclusive access to mouse inputs. |
REVOKED_ABUSIVE_NOTIFICATION_PERMISSIONS | Website setting which is used for UnusedSitePermissionsService to store auto-revoked notification permissions from abusive sites. |
TRACKING_PROTECTION | Content setting that controls tracking protection status per site. BLOCK: Protections enabled. This is the default state. ALLOW: Protections disabled. |
Supported content setting values.
Should be kept in sync with Chromium's ContentSetting type.