Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)  119.1.0+g612d63a+chromium-119.0.6045.33
base Directory Reference


file  cef_atomic_flag.h
file  cef_atomic_ref_count.h
file  cef_auto_reset.h
file  cef_bind.h
 base::BindOnce() and base::BindRepeating() are helpers for creating base::OnceCallback and base::RepeatingCallback objects respectively.
file  cef_build.h
 This file adds defines about the platform we're currently building on.
file  cef_callback.h
 A callback is similar in concept to a function pointer: it wraps a runnable object such as a function, method, lambda, or even another callback, allowing the runnable object to be invoked later via the callback object.
file  cef_callback_forward.h
file  cef_callback_helpers.h
file  cef_callback_list.h
 A container for a list of callbacks.
file  cef_cancelable_callback.h
 CancelableCallback is a wrapper around base::Callback that allows cancellation of a callback.
file  cef_compiler_specific.h
file  cef_lock.h
file  cef_logging.h
 A bunch of macros for logging.
file  cef_macros.h
file  cef_platform_thread.h
file  cef_ptr_util.h
file  cef_ref_counted.h
file  cef_scoped_refptr.h
file  cef_scoped_typeref_mac.h
file  cef_thread_checker.h
file  cef_trace_event.h
 Trace events are for tracking application performance and resource usage.
file  cef_tuple.h
 Use std::tuple as tuple type.
file  cef_weak_ptr.h
 Weak pointers are pointers to an object that do not affect its lifetime.