Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
This is the complete list of members for CefBrowserHost, including all inherited members.
AddDevToolsMessageObserver(CefRefPtr< CefDevToolsMessageObserver > observer)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
AddRef() const =0 | CefBaseRefCounted | pure virtual |
AddWordToDictionary(const CefString &word)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
CanExecuteChromeCommand(int command_id)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
CanZoom(cef_zoom_command_t command)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
CloseBrowser(bool force_close)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
CloseDevTools()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
CreateBrowser(const CefWindowInfo &windowInfo, CefRefPtr< CefClient > client, const CefString &url, const CefBrowserSettings &settings, CefRefPtr< CefDictionaryValue > extra_info, CefRefPtr< CefRequestContext > request_context) | CefBrowserHost | static |
CreateBrowserSync(const CefWindowInfo &windowInfo, CefRefPtr< CefClient > client, const CefString &url, const CefBrowserSettings &settings, CefRefPtr< CefDictionaryValue > extra_info, CefRefPtr< CefRequestContext > request_context) | CefBrowserHost | static |
DownloadImage(const CefString &image_url, bool is_favicon, uint32_t max_image_size, bool bypass_cache, CefRefPtr< CefDownloadImageCallback > callback)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
DragOperationsMask typedef | CefBrowserHost | |
DragSourceEndedAt(int x, int y, DragOperationsMask op)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
DragSourceSystemDragEnded()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
DragTargetDragEnter(CefRefPtr< CefDragData > drag_data, const CefMouseEvent &event, DragOperationsMask allowed_ops)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
DragTargetDragLeave()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
DragTargetDragOver(const CefMouseEvent &event, DragOperationsMask allowed_ops)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
DragTargetDrop(const CefMouseEvent &event)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
ExecuteChromeCommand(int command_id, cef_window_open_disposition_t disposition)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
ExecuteDevToolsMethod(int message_id, const CefString &method, CefRefPtr< CefDictionaryValue > params)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
ExitFullscreen(bool will_cause_resize)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
FileDialogMode typedef | CefBrowserHost | |
Find(const CefString &searchText, bool forward, bool matchCase, bool findNext)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetBrowser()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetClient()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetDefaultZoomLevel()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetExtension()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetNavigationEntries(CefRefPtr< CefNavigationEntryVisitor > visitor, bool current_only)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetOpenerWindowHandle()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetRequestContext()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetVisibleNavigationEntry()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetWindowHandle()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetWindowlessFrameRate()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
GetZoomLevel()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
HasAtLeastOneRef() const =0 | CefBaseRefCounted | pure virtual |
HasDevTools()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
HasOneRef() const =0 | CefBaseRefCounted | pure virtual |
HasView()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
ImeCancelComposition()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
ImeCommitText(const CefString &text, const CefRange &replacement_range, int relative_cursor_pos)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
ImeFinishComposingText(bool keep_selection)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
ImeSetComposition(const CefString &text, const std::vector< CefCompositionUnderline > &underlines, const CefRange &replacement_range, const CefRange &selection_range)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
Invalidate(PaintElementType type)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
IsAudioMuted()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
IsBackgroundHost()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
IsFullscreen()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
IsWindowRenderingDisabled()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
MouseButtonType typedef | CefBrowserHost | |
NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
NotifyScreenInfoChanged()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
PaintElementType typedef | CefBrowserHost | |
Print()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
PrintToPDF(const CefString &path, const CefPdfPrintSettings &settings, CefRefPtr< CefPdfPrintCallback > callback)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
Release() const =0 | CefBaseRefCounted | pure virtual |
ReplaceMisspelling(const CefString &word)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
RunFileDialog(FileDialogMode mode, const CefString &title, const CefString &default_file_path, const std::vector< CefString > &accept_filters, CefRefPtr< CefRunFileDialogCallback > callback)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SendCaptureLostEvent()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SendDevToolsMessage(const void *message, size_t message_size)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SendExternalBeginFrame()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SendKeyEvent(const CefKeyEvent &event)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SendMouseClickEvent(const CefMouseEvent &event, MouseButtonType type, bool mouseUp, int clickCount)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SendMouseMoveEvent(const CefMouseEvent &event, bool mouseLeave)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SendMouseWheelEvent(const CefMouseEvent &event, int deltaX, int deltaY)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SendTouchEvent(const CefTouchEvent &event)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SetAccessibilityState(cef_state_t accessibility_state)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SetAudioMuted(bool mute)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SetAutoResizeEnabled(bool enabled, const CefSize &min_size, const CefSize &max_size)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SetFocus(bool focus)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SetWindowlessFrameRate(int frame_rate)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
SetZoomLevel(double zoomLevel)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
ShowDevTools(const CefWindowInfo &windowInfo, CefRefPtr< CefClient > client, const CefBrowserSettings &settings, const CefPoint &inspect_element_at)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
StartDownload(const CefString &url)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
StopFinding(bool clearSelection)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
TryCloseBrowser()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
WasHidden(bool hidden)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
WasResized()=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
Zoom(cef_zoom_command_t command)=0 | CefBrowserHost | pure virtual |
~CefBaseRefCounted() | CefBaseRefCounted | inlineprotectedvirtual |